Monday 1 March 2021

A Tale as old as Time

The fundamental dynamics of the relationship between an abuser and its victim can be found replicated between a government and its people. There is a huge trust relationship and a tremendous imbalance of power between the individual and the State and our ancestors, who were so often subject to an incredible amount of abuse at the hands of the State, have endeavoured to correct this imbalance through devices like a Constitution. When the government of a nation has become corrupt things like a Constitution are problematic. Consequently, malevolent state actors will intentionally seek to remove restraints on their action. They will often do this by so orchestrating events such that the victim/citizen will positively BEG the abuser/State to behave in the way the corrupt State actors wish to behave [Problem/Reaction/Solution]. And so, malevolent state actors will shamelessly and with wicked intent contrive scenarios where the villain will appear as a hero all the while secretly undermining the victim – leaving them perilously exposed.

And just like the victim whose good nature and idealistic vision of people finds it difficult to conceive that they are in a relationship with a genuinely abusive person, so the unwary citizen can be duped into thinking that the state is acting with their best interests at heart. Alas, waking up to the disturbing truth often occurs far too late and the abuse continues far longer than it should have because of the blindness of the citizen.

The story plays out nationally exactly as it does personally. Friends and family of the victim get involved because they care about their loved one and they despise the abuser. So they remonstrate with their loved one, ‘S/he’s a monster/a bad egg/you have to leave him/her’ but the frightened victim clings to their abuser all the more while the villain vilifies family and friends, casting aspersions on their character – isolating the victim and cutting them off from sources of support and increasing dependence on the abuser. This exact scenario is what occurs when patriots speak out in defence of the nation that they love. The abusive state depicts its critics as destroyers, not to be trusted, and wickedly intentioned - accolades which in truth belong to the ‘established authorities.’

Wherever there exists a tremendous imbalance of power, like between the state and the citizen, the temptations of the possible personal rewards to be accrued are very great and highly attractive to self-serving individuals and corrupt cartels. But rolling back on constitutional protections is not a path to peace, safety, and security. It is, without question and every single time it is indulged, a direct path to shame, destruction, despair and horror. All those who say otherwise are liars, thieves, and abusers of life and liberty and they cannot be trusted. Right now, for the first time in human history, the whole world has entered into an abusive relationship. The devastation will, likewise, undoubtedly be global.

Perhaps, when all this is done, some form of global constitution will be formed and the human race will learn to enshrine the sacredness of life, liberty, and the freedom to pursue happiness. Perhaps it will address and correct the imbalance of power between the citizen and the state, the consumer and the corporation, society and social media. Perhaps the world will learn the only cure for political treachery is lead and enact it quickly before these fools destroy us all. Perhaps, like the abuse survivor who emerges from the abusive relationship wiser and stronger – pledging to themselves to never entertain an abuser again, the whole world will finally learn how to protect itself from the wicked intentions and machinations of malevolent beings and, consequently, learn to live in peace and prosperity.

We’ve got a lot to learn and don’t we just love to learn the hard way?! God have mercy on us all.

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