Monday 6 November 2017

Nihilist Nirvana

Hell is the belief that suffering and death are the only truths. Oblivion, then, is the Nihilist vision of Nirvana. How strange and macabre that their worship of death and suffering transforms the psychotic and pathological nihilist into an instrument of death and suffering. What is it that compels their blood sacrifice? Why do they seek to pave their way into nothingness with blood? To what god are they rendering their sacrifice? How easy it seems to them to smash the chains of being that anchor them to the dark fiction that they believe to be reality.

In their grave spiritual blindness they cannot perceive that life is greater than death! They appear not to comprehend that Death is an instrument of Life, it is a derived phenomenon – a shadow cast by Life but Life is the true substance. Life comes from Life and, in the last analysis, Life emerges ultimately from the Eternal.

The children of the Life Eternal are no strangers to death and suffering but they recognise truths far greater: the truths of growth, the ecstasy of worship, and the joy of service. For such salvation is not to be found by fleeing from life but by engaging with it and living to the fullness of one’s capacity.